Thursday, 10 October 2013


Goodwin believes that these features are vital in a music video; he wrote these in his book 'Dancing In The Distraction Factory'
Goodwin's Theory:

1. Link between lyrics and visuals
2. Links between music and visuals
3. Genre characteristics
4. Intertextual reference
5. Notions of looking
6. The demands of a record label
7. Artist Motifs and Iconography

The demands of a record label means doing close ups and extreme close ups to help the audience recognise the singer, create a visual style and boost the branding.

Notion of looking has reference to Vouyerism and the 'male ego'. The use of filming can be explicit to both female and males which create a connection with the audience and the singer because they are seeing things that they do not have much real experience of seeing.

intertextuality as discussed previously is the referencing between similar features of music videos. this can generate nostalgic associations and new meanings.

When talking about links between lyrics and visuals and links between music and visuals, we are referencing three categories:

1. Illustrate - This is when music videos illustrate the meaning behind the song.

2. Amplify - Repeating the mood and meaning behind the song to confirm the understanding of the audience.

3. Disjuncture - This is when music videos have no real link to the meaning of the song and it is completely unrelated.

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