I definitely learnt last year that research was a vital part of the process. It gave us an idea of how film opening are produced conventionally, learning this on an individual basis gave us all an insight of what is expected for an opening sequence, once we did this we could discuss how to change some conventional processes to make it more unique and eye catching. Reflecting on my research last year, I do believe I could have done more research on successful film sequences.
I learnt last year that the more planning there is, the smoother the production process will be. Communication between group members is vital so everyone is aware of there individual duties and responsibilities when it comes to the actual production. Also putting planning plans on the blog makes it available for all group members to look and remind themselves if they are unsure. Storyboarding and was a feature in last years planning that confirmed the groups final idea and made us as a group more confident in our plans.
Classwork and independent study
Keeping up with classwork was something I struggled with last year, I tended to leave work till last minute which meant that I had forgotten a lot of what was set which meant I had to look on other blogs as a guideline, which I realise now is not going to be good enough if I want to achieve better grades. Independent study is an opportunity to show that you know everything about your genre and its background, I have learnt that this can expand your knowledge and imagination of how to maker your music video really original.
Personal organisation
My organisation last year was not the best, I hadn't realised how far behind you can become and how hard t is and time consuming to get up to date, ensuring that your work is at the best standard, In reflection, I realise that you have to be organised especially when it comes to blogging and making sure the work is done so that it leaves lots of time for the filming and editing.

I discovered from filming our opening sequence that it is important to leave the filming with plenty of time, as we discovered there was many parts of it that we wanted to re-shoot but times where limited to are individual schedules. Especially if the location is far away, it is important
that you are prepared to travel there more than once if a problem occurs. Finally, we had a lot of issue last time with weather changes and lighting, so it is better to go to where you are filming at an earlier hour so you have more time to film before it goes dark.
Editing issues
The editing process last year was quite stressful, especially towards the end as we felt pressure to finish in time. It is easy to let one person do the editing but supporting that person or taking turns is important to making sure stress levels are down. Using software such as LiveType was challenging, but as we have less people in the class for the second year it should be less of a problem to ask for help.
Tracking your progress

To ensure I don't fall behind this year I will check my blog weekly and give myself aims of what I can be doing to get up to the standard I want to achieve. I can also compare with my classmates through conversation about how far they have got with it so I know I am on the right track, or even try and get ahead to ensure I achieve the best grades.
Evaluation skills
Overall this year I have learnt that it is extremely important to keep your blog up to date and remember to put regular updates on the group blog even if it may seem less irrelevant. From the filming module I also learnt that attendance is important as the absence of one can effect the whole intention of a lesson andcan in turn slow down the process.
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