Sunday, 20 October 2013

Pop Genre

The Pop genre stands for 'Popular' which originated in the 1950's deriving from rock n roll. The Pop genre is often eclectic and uses features from other genres such as rock and country.There are elements of pop music that deviates it to  the rest, the often length of pop sing is short to medium length songs with often repetitive choruses and melodic tunes, with often catchy lyrics. So called 'pure music' lacks deep artistic depth but uses instrumentals such as drum, bass and electric guitar. They aim to make enjoyable music which means they collect mass audiences. They attract youth audiences and and are seen as an alternative softer version of rock and roll.

The term "pop song" is first recorded as being used in 1926, in the sense of a piece of music "having popular appeal". Hatch and Millward indicate that many events in the history of recording in the 1920s can be seen as the birth of the modern pop music industry, including in country, blues and hillbilly music.
The Oxford Dictionary of Music states that while pop's "earlier meaning meant concerts appealing to a wide audience ... since the late 1950s, however, pop has had the special meaning of non-classical music, usually in the form of songs, performed by such artists as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, ABBA, etc". Grove Music Online also states that "... in the early 1960s [the term] ‘pop music’ competed terminologically with Beat music [in England], while in the USA its coverage overlapped (as it still does) with that of ‘rock and roll’".
From about 1967 the term was increasingly used in opposition to the term rock music, a division that gave generic significance to both terms. Whereas rock aspired to authenticity and an expansion of the possibilities of popular music, pop was more commercial, ephemeral and accessible. According to Simon Frith pop music is produced "as a matter of enterprise not art", is "designed to appeal to everyone" and "doesn't come from any particular place or mark off any particular taste". It is "not driven by any significant ambition except profit and commercial reward ... and, in musical terms, it is essentially conservative". It is, "provided from on high (by record companies, radio programmers and concert promoters) rather than being made from below ... Pop is not a do-it-yourself music but is professionally produced and packaged"


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